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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2006;12(2):260-267.
A Pilot Study to Restandardize the CDI(Child Development Inventory) in Korea.
Jeong Mee Kim, Hee Sun Shin
1The Institute of Social Science, Seoul National University, Korea.
2Department of Nursing, Dankook University, Korea. sw724@dankook.ac.kr
PURPOSE: This pilot study was done to develop a Korean version of the CDI (The Child Development Inventory) and assess the validity and reliability of the K-CDI. METHOD: The K-CDI is assessed by parent-report and is designed to screen children on developmental functioning from 12 months to 6.5 years of age /or older children who are judged to be functioning in the one to six-year range. The inventory assesses child development in the areas of social, self-help, motor, language, letter and number skills. and it also includes various symptoms and behavior problems that young children may have. Participants were 130 children who lived in Seoul or Gyounggi-Province and their mothers. Data were analyzed using the ratio of item responses, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and Cronbach alpha. RESULTS: The reliability and validity of 270 items with 8 sub-developmental realms were confirmed for Korean children. A total of 300 items were selected for restandardization. There was a significant correlation between the score on the Social Maturity Scale and K-CDI. The correlation coefficient alpha was .98. CONCLUSION: This study indicated that CDI is applicable in clinical and early childhood educational setting for developmental assessment in Korea.
Key words: CDI(Child Devlopment Inventory); Childhood developmental screening assessment; Standardization study
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