1Department of Nursing, Dankook University, 29 Anseo-dong, Cheonan, Choongnam 330-714, Korea. sw724@dankook.ac.kr 2The Center for Social Sciences, Seoul National Univerisity, Korea.
Purpose This study was to restandardize the Child Development Review (CDR) which was developed by Dr. Ireton and based on Child Development Inventory (CDI). Method: The participants were 1143 children who were aged 12months to 6.3years old and parents. They were the sample for standardization study of CDI. The age level assigned to each item of Korean version of CDI were assessed. The reliability and validity was analyzed by reliability coefficient and concurrent validity analysis. Result: The item set was revised by the age level of each item at which at least 75 percent of parents answered YES to the statement. The child development chart was composed of 100 item which include social, self-help, gross motor, fine motor, and language sector. The internal consistency coefficient of the instrument was .93. The concurrent validity with Korean Denver II was good. Conclusions: The Korean version of CDR showed good reliability and validity. It could be utilized for developmental screening at pediatric clinic and child care center.