About the Journal |
> About > About the Journal |
Child Health Nursing Research (CHNR) is the official peer-reviewed research journal of the Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing. CHNR is a multidisciplinary, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research, theory, and review papers on health care and nursing from the beginning of life to young adulthood, including both children and their families. It is devoted to all fields of child health, including global and cultural issues, aimed at both domestic and international healthcare professionals. The journal is published quarterly (Jan 31, Apr 30, July 31, and Oct 31) in English. The journal welcomes submissions from healthcare professionals around the world, and encourages the submission of papers dealing with cultural issues and those studied by international research teams.
- Indexed in major databases: PubMed Central, PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, DOAJ, Crossref Metadata, Google Scholar, ScienceCentral, KCI (Korea Citation Index), RISS, KoreaMed, and KoMCI.
- Its abbreviated title is Child Health Nurs Res.
- Open access: All articles published in the journal are freely available with an open access license for everyone to read and download from the CHNR website (https://acoms.accesson.kr/kaschn/oprs/main/jrnlMain.do) immediately and permanently after publication.
Journal Title |
Child Health Nursing Research |
Journal Abbreviation |
Child Health Nurs Res |
Acronym |
Publication Date |
Vol. 1, No. 1 (1995) - |
Frequency |
Quarterly (January, April, July, October) |
Publisher |
Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing |
Language |
English |
2287-9110 |
2287-9129 |
DOI Prefix |
10.4094 |
Open Access |
OA-nc-nd (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) |
Indexed/Tracked/ Covered By |
PubMed Central,
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ),
CrossRef, Google Scholar, CINAHL, KCI,
Science Central