1Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Dankook University, Korea. sw724@dankook.ac.kr 2The Center for Social Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea. 3Dankook University Hospital, Korea.
PURPOSE: This study was done to evaluate the validity of the Korean - Child Development Review in screening children with developmental risks.
METHOD: The participants in the study were 172 children aged 6-75 months old and their parents. Data were collected by questionnaire or interview. Korean Denver II and Bayley test were administered with K-CDR for validation of children who were referred for developmental assessment at D University Hospital or public health center. The data were analyzed using correlation, chi-square test, and cross tab analysis.
RESULTS: There was a significant relationship between the K-CDR and Korean Denver II. The correlation coefficients were .42 to .61 by developmental sector. The sensitivity and specificity of K-CDR were .84 and .66 respectively when "abnormal" with MDI of Bayley test defined as lower than 85 the score which was used as a diagnosis of developmental delay. The responses to 6 questions for parents showed significant differences according to 3 groups by developmental state. Parents of children in the developmental disability group more frequently checked problems from the 26 problem checklist about their children's development and behavior.
CONCLUSION: The results show that K-CDR is valid and has good sensitivity and moderate specificity in screening developmental delay.