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Table of Contents | October, 2005  Vol. 11  No.4 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
Original Articles
381 Effects of a Massage Program on Growth of Premature Infants and on Confidence and Satisfaction in the Mothering Role.
Jiyoung Kim
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2005;11(4):381-389.
390 The Effects of Warm Water-Filled Bag on Body Temperature, FiO2, Respiration Rate, and Blood Sugar in High Risk Neonates.
Hee Young Kim, Ho Ran Park, Young Im Moon, Jin Hee Park
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2005;11(4):390-395.
396 The Effect of Group Art Therapy in Children with Withdrawn Behaviors.
In Hong Kim
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2005;11(4):396-404.
405 School Nurses' Knowledge, Educational Needs and Providing Education about Internet Addiction.
Won Oak Oh
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2005;11(4):405-414.
415 Parenting Stress, Maternal Sensitivity to Infant Cues and Child Rearing Environment of First-time Mothers.
Hee Soon Kim, Yeong Hee Shin, Ka Sil Oh, Tae Im Kim, Mi Kyung Sim
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2005;11(4):415-426.
427 The Effects of Hand-Acupuncture Therapy on Headaches in Children.
Yeon Ran Hong
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2005;11(4):427-435.
436 The Relationship between Depression and Health Behavior in Adolescents.
Nam Hee Park, Mi Oak Kim
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2005;11(4):436-443.
444 Intervention Efficacy of Mother Training on Social Reciprocity for Children with Autism.
Dae Young Won, Hye Kyeung Seung, Jennifer Elder
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2005;11(4):444-455.
456 Effect of Hand Massage on Nausea, Vomiting and Anxiety in Childhood with Leukemia on Chemotherapy.
Ji Eun Han, Young Im Moon, Ho Ran Park
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2005;11(4):456-464.
465 Self-image of Adolescents with Cancer.
Sunyoung Son, Ka Sil Oh
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2005;11(4):465-471.
472 Effects of a Maternal Role Promotion Program for Mothers of Premature Infants on Maternal Role Strain, Maternal Role Confidence and Maternal Identity.
Yung Sook Jang
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2005;11(4):472-480.
481 Effect of Yakson Therapy on Weight Gain in Premature Infants and Role Confidence and Satisfaction for Mothers.
Hye Sang Im, Eun Sook Park, Myung Hwa Kim, Eun Sook Kim, Young Ok Choi
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2005;11(4):481-489.
490 Effects of Distraction using Operating Doll on Preschool Children's Pain during an IV Catheter Insertion.
Boon Sim Lee, In Soo Kwon
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 2005;11(4):490-497.
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Department of Nursing, Catholic Kwandong University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
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