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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2005;11(4):405-414.
School Nurses' Knowledge, Educational Needs and Providing Education about Internet Addiction.
Won Oak Oh
Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Dongguk University. ohwo@dongguk.ac.kr
PURPOSE: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive survey to identify school nurses' knowledge, educational needs and providing education about Internet addiction. METHOD: A total of 198 school nurses working in schools located in Gyunggi Province and the cities of Ulsan, Daegu, and Pohang participated in the study. A self-report scale was used to collect data. It included 53 items measuring school nurses' knowledge, their educational needs and performing related to Internet addiction. RESULTS: The mean score for knowledge of Internet addiction was 13.12 (SD=3.13), indicating a moderate level of knowledge. The highest frequency, 24.7% of the school nurses agreed that the computer teacher is the appropriate person to do educate on Internet addiction, followed by the school nurse with another teacher (24.2%). Only 40.4% of the nurses had any experience in providing students with education about Internet addiction. The main reason for not providing education about Internet addiction was that there was no time (57.6%). Education was reported most frequently as being provided by the class teacher (36.3%), followed by school nurse (31.3%). CONCLUSIONS: It is important to expand the role of school nurses in preventing and responding to Internet addiction and to develop training programs designed to further develop their abilities in teaching and counseling.
Key words: Internet addiction; School nurse; Knowledge; Involvement; Health education
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