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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2005;11(4):390-395.
The Effects of Warm Water-Filled Bag on Body Temperature, FiO2, Respiration Rate, and Blood Sugar in High Risk Neonates.
Hee Young Kim, Ho Ran Park, Young Im Moon, Jin Hee Park
1Asan Medical Center, Department of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
2College of Nursing, The Catholic University of Korea. hrpark@catholic.ac.kr
PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of a warm water-filled bag on body temperature, Oxygen demand, respiratory rate and blood sugar in high risk neonates. METHOD: The infants were assigned to two groups, 16 in the experimental and 20 in the control group. Infants in the experimental group was received 40~42 degrees C warm water-filled bag therapy for 2 hours under radiant warmers. Infants in the control group were placed under the same kind of radiant warmers but without the warm water-filled bag. The following were measured every 30 minutes: rectal temperature, O2 demand (FiO2), and respiratory rate. Blood sugar was measured hourly. RESULT: Body temperatures increased significantly in the experimental group (P=0.0138), and there was a difference according to time (P=0.0001). Significant difference were found between the two groups for FiO2 (P=0.0180). There was no difference in respiratory rates between the two groups and rates according to time for the experimental group were also not significant (P=0.3569). No significant difference between two groups was found for blood sugar(P=0.2152), but there was a significant difference according to the times (P=0.0001). CONCLUSION: This results of this study indicate that a warm-filled bag is an effective means of resorting body temperature and reducing O2 demand in high risk neonates.
Key words: High Risk Neonates; Hypothermia; Warm Water-Filled Bag
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