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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2002;8(3):344-356.
An Analysis on Clinical Education of Pediatric Nursing.
In Soo Kwon
Nursing Department, Gyeongsang National University, Korea. iskwon@nongae.gsnu.ac.kr
This study was conducted to analyse the current clinical education of pediatric nursing in baccalaurate nursing program, then to give basic data for enhancing the quality of future clinical education of pediatric nursing. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaire by mail from December 2001 to February 2002. The subjects were 29 schools of 50 baccalaurate nursing education programs. The data were analysed by double raters, researcher and assistant researcher. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Twenty-eight schools had the objectives of the clinical education of pediatric nursing, and 28 schools in pediatric ward, 23 schools in nursery, 22 schools in neonatal intensive care unit(NICU), 15 schools in objectives related to profession by clinical site. 2. Credits on clinical education of pediatric nursing were most 15 schools of 3 credits. 3. The clinical sites were mainly the hospital that sick children were admitted in. 4. The clinical teacher were 9 types including pediatric professor and field nurse. 5. On teacher's role, the professor instructed the case study and conference, and field nurse instructed the patient assignment and nursing procedures. 6.All of schools used explanation and conference as a method of clinical education, 1 or 2 schools used PBL or role play or field study. 7. On clinical education content, most of school included Apgar scoring system, physical examination in newborn assessment, respiration maintenance, temperature maintenance, infection prevention, nutrition, and bath in newborn care. 8. On clinical education content, most of school included care of incubator, phototheraty, infusion, gavage feeding and how to use the instruments in NICU. Eighteen schools included attachment promotion, and 20 schools case study. 9. On clinical education content, most of school included a checklist of nursing procedures, case study, assessment of growth and development in pediatric ward and other sites. 10.There were various evaluation types in scores, measuring items. In conclusion, the results of this study revealed that there were some discrepancy in the objectives and contents, clinical sites on hospital focused, teacher's role, and diversity of measurement items and ratings in clinical education of pediatric nursing. There is a need for a standardization of content, clinical site, and evaluation tool to improve a quality of clinical education of pediatric nursing based on this study.
Key words: Clinical education of pediatric nursing
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