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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2003;9(2):190-197.
The Present and Future of Children's Hospice Care in Korea.
Kyung Ah Kang, Shin Jeong Kim
1Department of Nursing, Sahmyook University, Korea. kangka@syu.ac.kr
2Department of Nursing, Hallym University, Korea.
PURPOSE: This study is to identify the present situation of children's hospice and to find the developing strategies for child hospice system in Korea. METHOD: The data was collected from both literatures and the recent data provided by the government. The direction of future of children's hospice cared in Korea was predicted based on the literature analysis and the report and policy of government. RESULT: In Korea, the system of the child hospice is not processing. There are the importance differences between children and adult in that the characteristics and approach of the hospice care. All medical personnel and the people related to hospice care including children and their family should be recognized the necessity of the children's hospice care. The following strategies is needed for setting up the child hospice: the principles and standards, recognizing of the necessities, developing of educational program for the specialist and the systemic children's hospice program, and the organization of child hospice. CONCLUSION: Directions suggested from this study have the importance of child hospice to establish and develop well in Korea for both children with life-threatening disease and their families.
Key words: Hospice
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