1College of Nursing, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea. 2Department of Nursing, Jinju Health College, Jinju, Korea. asfirstim@hanmail.net
PURPOSE: This study was done to assess the home nursing and quality of life of parents caring for preschool children with atopic dermatitis and to identify the factors which influence quality of life. METHODS: Participants in the study were 149 parents of preschool children with atopic dermatitis attending a kindergarten and a nursery school in S city. Parent completed a set of questionnaires (assessing demographic factors, home nursing, quality of life).
Descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA and multiple regression were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: The mean score for home nursing was 3.06+/-0.38 and for quality of life, 4.18+/-0.74. The lowest scored question in the 13 question on quality of life was that of frustration related to itching sensation. Significant factors that affect quality of life were severity and home care. These variables explained 21% of variance in quality of life (F=21.17, p<.001). CONCLUSION: The results indicate that severity of childhood atopic dermatitis and home nursing impact on the quality of life of parents. Using the above findings, health professionals who work with children with atopic dermatitis and their parents need to develop specific nursing interventions that will promote health of children with atopic dermatitis and quality of life in their parents.