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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2003;9(4):420-431.
Effect of the Sexual Knowledge and Sexual Attitude of the Middle School Women Students through Sexual Education Program.
Geum Hee Jeong, Shin Jeong Kim, Soon Ok Yang
Department of Nursing Science, Hallym University, Korea. soyang@hallym.ac.kr
PURPOSE: This study aims at not only suggesting some ideas useful in planning and doing the sexual education in the middle schools in the near future putting into test the sexual education program which has been developed by researchers in accordance with the national education courses but also improve sexual health of the adolecents through taking right sexual knowledge and sound sexual attitude. METHOD: Non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. The number of experimental group students was 37 and the number of controll group students was 37. A total of 74 first grade "H"middle school girls at H district in KangWon-Do were selected for a convenience sampling method and have been taught the sexual education program during 6weeks, 12times. RESULT: The findings of the study are as follows: After the sexual education program, the sexual knowledge of experimental group show to be significantly different from that they had before(t=-5.861, p=.000). So, this finding indicating that the adolescent sexual education program helps the ado have and expand the correct sexual knowledge accordingly. In order to look into any change of the sexaul attitudes of experimental group after the sexual education program, there were not significant difference(t=-1.083, p=.286). But some items were significant. It is discovered that the adolescence come to have more affirmative and sound sexual attitude after sexual education program. CONCLUSION: As the findings of the study indicate, it may be concluded as follows: Since the sexual education program can affirmative influence on the sexual knowledge and sexual attitudes of the adolescence, it is recommendable to perform the sexual education program suitable for every stage of growth and development should be developed, qualified teachers and the educational materials should be reinforced and added enough and institutional device should be made to execute the sexual education program systematically.
Key words: Sexual education program; Middle school students; Sexual knowledge; Sexual attitude
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