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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2004;10(3):321-331.
Development of Korean Infant Developmental Assessment Scale.
Kyung Ja Han, Kyung Sook Bang
1College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Korea.
2Division of Nursing Science, Ajou University, Korea. ksbang@ajou.ac.kr
PURPOSE: To develop an Infant Developmental Assesment Scale appropriate for Korean infants that includes cultural context. METHOD: The total sample included 990 infants aged birth to 24months. The developmental tests were conducted at hospital well baby clinic, daycare centers, public health centers and homes located in city, urban and rural areas. Item analysis was done to examine content validity of the scale. Test responses were analyzed by SPSS to examine the inter-rater reliability, and construct validity. RESULTS: Based on the naturalistic observation and analysis of other developmental instruments, 260 Korean infant developmental items were created. The mean score of the developmental quotient of 966 infants was 101.63+/-10.89. Correlation coefficient of inter-rater reliability was .99. In addition, 84.6% of total items showed Kappa .70 and above. The development quotient was significantly different depending upon the residential area and father's occupation, therefore, construct validity using known group technique was supported. CONCLUSION: The developed instrument can be used to assess the development of handicapped infants, as well as normal infant's general abilities and to study individual differences within the normal range for Korean.
Key words: Infant; Developmental assessment scale; Health promotion; Developmental delay
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