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Child Health Nurs Res > Volume 15(1):2009 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2009;15(1):34-41.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4094/jkachn.2009.15.1.34
Development & Validation of a Checklist for Infant and Child Developmental Screening.
Hyeon Ok Ju, Nae Young Lee, In Sook Park, Sun Ok Lee, So Hee Kim
1Department of Nursing, Dong-a University, Korea.
2Department of Nursing, Silla University, Korea. 245lny@hanmail.net
3Children's Developmental Clinic in Kimhae Alliance Pediatrics, Korea.
PURPOSE: In this study, a Checklist for Infant and Child Developmental Screening (CICDS) was designed for use by primary pediatric health care providers to identify infants and children with developmental delays. METHOD: Each Item of the CICDS was constructed referring to existing tools. In 5 public health centers of B city, 500 infants and children were selected at the age of 2, 4, 6, 12, & 18 months and assessed between October and December 2006. CICDS and the Korea Denver II were compared to assesses the validity of the CICDS. RESULTS: The CICDS consisted of 30 items in 4 areas; Personal-social, Fine motor-adaptive, Language, Gross motor. The results of the CICDS correlated significantly with the result of Korea Denver II at each month of age. (r=0.19; p<.01). Of the 500 infants and children, 148 were "suspect" for development delays (sensitivity of 96%, specificity 73%). On the CICDS, 74.6% of children received same result as Denver II. In discriminant analysis, 89.9% of children were identified correctly by CICDS (p<.01). CONCLUSION: CICDS could be a screening procedures to quickly and reliably identify infants with developmental delays. It also provides a mean of recording measurements of development characteristics.
Key words: Growth and development; Validation Study; Infant; Child development
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