1Department of Nursing, Kwandong University, Korea. 2College of Nursing, Ajou University, Korea, ksbang@ajou.ac.kr 3School of Nursing, Eulgi University, Korea.
PURPOSE: The purposes of this descriptive survey study were to describe perception of the importance of parental role as held by mothers of young infants, and to analyze differences in perceptions according to characteristics the mothers and infants.
METHOD: Data were collected from 240 mothers of healthy infants under one year of age, being seen in one public health center in Gangreung City. The instrument used for this study was a self-report questionnaire to identify parental role.
RESULTS: The mean score for perception of the importance of parental role was 139.89, and for the domains, the means were 4.43 for caring performance ability, 4.38 for environmental organization for development, 4.26 for acceptance, 4.21 for responsibility, 4.19 for knowledge related to caring, 4.16, for sensitivity, and 4.01 for provision of stimulation and involvement. There were significant differences in the perception of parental role according to spousal relationship, father's participation in child rearing, having received parental role education, and infant's temperament.
CONCLUSION: The experience of childhood is highly affected by the quality of the parental role. It is important to identify parents' perception of the parental role and to provide appropriate education programs on parental role.