Department of Nursing, Kwandong University, Korea.
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to describe the perception of parental role held by university students and to examine difference in perception of parental role according to student characteristics.
METHOD: The participant were 338 university student in Gangreung city. The instrument was developed by researcher and consisted of 4 subcategories ; child rearing environment, parental sensitivity, growth and development of infant, and physical care. Data were collected from May 10 to June 1 in 2004 and were analyzed using SPSS Win 10.0 program.
RESULT: The university students' perception of total parental role had a mean item score of 4.02, with 4.12 for parental sensitivity, 4.00 for child rearing environment, 4.00 for physical care and 3.95 for growth and development.
There were significant differences in perception of parental role according to sex(t=-5.55, p=.00), grade(F=13.12, p=.00), type of college(F=28.34, p=.00), father's age(F=5.01, p=.00), father's education(F=5.01, p=.00), mother's education(F=3.33, p=.03) student's marriage plan(t=2.37, p=.01) main caretaker(F=9.53, p=.00) person who lived with student in childhood(F=3.62, p=.01) and student's perception of the need for education for parental role(t=3.74, p=.00).
CONCLUSION: The impact of childhood experience has lifelong significance on subsequent health and development.
Especially, the experience of childhood is highly affected by the quality of parental role. It is important to identify university student's perception of parental role as pre-parent preparation for parenting. Therefore, pre-parent education program are necessary.