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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2006;12(3):351-358.
A Study on the Differences of Characteristics between Potential Substance-abuse Group and Healthy Group in Middle School Students.
Young Hae Kim, Yong Sook Eo, Hyeon Ok Ju
1Department of Nursing, Pusan National University, Korea.
2Department of Nursing, Choonhae College, 72-10 Gokcheon-ri, Ungchon-myeon, Ulju-gun, Ulsan 689-784, Korea. nursinge@choonhae.ac.kr
3Department of Nursing, Dong-A University, Korea.

This study was attempted to find out the differences of characteristics between potential substance-abuse group and healthy group of middle school students in Busan. Method: The participants were 458 middle school students in Busan. The data were collected from 1st September 2004 to 31th October 2004 using structured questionnaire, and then were analyzed by SPSS-WIN 10.0 program with frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and x2-test. Results: 23.6% of the subjects have been smoking, and 16.2% of them have been drinking. 18.6% of the subjects was classified to potential substance-abuse group based on the cut-point suggested by Lee et al.. The characteristics of potential substance-abuse adolescents are that they have religion and siblings, that their parents have divorced, that they don't live with their parents, and that their perceived health state is bad. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, It is necessary to develop a substance abuse prevention education program for potential substance-abuse group.
Key words: Substance abuse; SPDA
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