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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2007;13(4):416-426.
Antenatal Depression and Mother-Fetal Interaction.
Mikyung Kwon
Department of Nursing, Kwandong University. mkkwon@kd.ac.kr
The purposes of this descriptive survey study were to describe antenatal depression and level of mother-fetal interaction, and to assess mother's behavior and feeling during mother-fetal interaction, in order to develop a base for nursing intervention programs for mothers who have antenatal depression. METHOD: Data were collected from 174 pregnant women who visited one public health center and OBGY clinic in Gangneung city. The instrument used for this study was a self-report questionnaire to identify depression (BDI), and mother-fetal interaction. RESULTS: Of the mothers 63.2% were in the normal range for antenatal depression, 21.3% in the mild group and 15.5% were in the moderate to severe group. For antenatal depression, there were significant differences among the income, planned pregnant, health status, marriage satisfaction, family support, husband's love. The mean for mother-fetal interaction was 29.88+/-4.91. For mother-infant interaction, there were significant differences in education, income, pregnant number, delivery number, feeding plan, marriage satisfaction, family support, husband's love. There was a weak correlations between antenatal depression and mother-fetal interaction but it did not reach statistical significance. CONCLUSION: Antenatal depression and mother-fetal interaction influence fetal development. It is essential to assess and provide immediate care to mothers who have antenatal depression and lower level mother-fetal Interaction.
Key words: Antenatal depression; Mother-fetal interaction
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