The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability of Q-sorting and to develope a typology of coping to stress in school-age children through the use of Q-methodology.
For the study, Q-statements are selected from the literature and interviews of 30 Children, A total number 153 statement were collected and 31 Q-samples were finally selected.
A P-sample of 76 was selected the elementary school children. Each of respondents were given 31 coping strategies questionnaire and set of 31 statements with cartoon on each of cards and sorted them according to the 9-point scale. The result of the Q-sorting by each subject were coded and analyzed using the QUANAL PC and SPSS PC+program.
As a result of the analysis, There were significant relationship between score each item of questionaire and score of sorted statement. Therefore, school-age children was able to Q-sorting(forced normal distribution).
Also, the four types of coping were named as follows: Type I(n=35): To search for the dynamic behaviors Type II(n=12): To search for the intellectual behaviors Type III(n=22): To search for emotional-spiritual behaviors Type IV(n=7): To search for the self-abuse behaviors.
Thought the study, the implication for teachers, parents and school nurses is that there is needed to guide and to support adaptive coping behaviors. Also, it is recommended that the application of Q-methodology for study of children's subjective concepts like stress and coping.