Department of Nursing, College of medicine, Kyungpook National University, Korea.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the stress level, coping behaviors and health problems of elementary school children and to compare the level of these three variables according to size of city of residence and to identify the relationship among the three variables.
METHOD: Data were collected by questionnaire from 465 5th and 6th grade elementary school children living in Daegu and North Kyungsang Province. Data were collected between December 1 and 20, 2003 and analyzed using the SPSS program with means, standard deviation, t-test, and Pearson's correlation coefficients.
RESULTS: The stress level was significantly higher in children who lived in the big city. The coping behavior score was not significantly different according to size of city, nor was there a difference in the health problems according to size of city. There was a positive correlation among stress level, coping behaviors and health problems.
CONCLUSION: In general, the stress level was significantly different but coping behavior scores and health problem scores were not significantly different according to size of city. Also the elementary school children used more passive coping behavior than active coping behavior. Therefore, strategies to develop active coping behaviors for these children are needed.