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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2002;8(3):281-290.
The Educational Needs of Families with Respiratory Infected Children and the Degree of Nurses' Educational Performances Perceived by Families.
Hyun Young Koo
Catholic University of Daegu, Korea. hykoo@cataegu.ac.kr
This study was performed to compare the educational needs of the families of the hospitalized children with respiratory problems and the degree of nurses' educational performances perceived by the families. The subjects consisted of 120 families with respiratory infected children in one university- affiliated hospital in Daegu. Data were collected through self-report questionnaires which were developed to investigate the educational needs of the families of the hospitalized children with respiratory problems and nurses' educational performances perceived by the families. The data were analyzed by an SPSS program. The results were as follows: 1. Among the educational needs of the families, the item of the diagnostic test was ranked as the highest one. Among the degree of nurses' educational performances perceived by the families, the item of the diagnosis was ranked as the highest one. 2. The educational needs of the families were very high, but the degree of nurses' educational performances perceived by families was relatively low. 3. The educational needs of the families were not influenced by the general characteristics of the subjects. These results suggest that the educational needs of the families was different to the degree of nurses' educational performances perceived by the families of the hospitalized children with respiratory problems. Therefore the nursing education program should be based on the educational needs of the families.
Key words: Respiratory tract infection; Educational needs; Educational performances
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