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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2002;8(4):414-421.
A Concept Analysis of the Caretaking Behavior for Children.
Soon Goo Kim
Nursing department, Kangwon Tourism College, Korea. freiris@hanmail.net
The purpose of this study is to analyze the concept of caretaking behavior for children. This study adopts the methode of Walker and Avant in analysis. Based on the results of the study, the attributes, precedents, and consequences of caretaking behavior for children are follows ; 1.The affirmative attributes of caretaking behavior are affection binding, nutritional guidance, education, caring, protection moral training and acquisition of parents' role. The negative attributes of caretaking behavior are inconsistent moral training, incapability of affection binding and overprotection. 2. The precedent of caretaking behavior are postpartum contact with their babies, cognizance capacity of child-caretaking, economic support, level of preparation for child-caretaking and self-consciousness as parents. 3. The affirmative consequences of caretaking behavior are promotion of child growth and development, formation of maternal-infantile attachment, development of children sociality, satisfaction of parental role and reinforcement of relationship between the members of family. The negative consequences of caretaking behavior are burden and conflict to parental role, children's illness, role conflict and role stress among the members of the family and family breaking up.
Key words: Caretaking behavior
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