1Department of Nursing, Hallym University, Korea. Kimsj@hallym.ac.kr 2Emergency Medical Technology, Dongnam Health College, Korea. 3InChang elementary school, Korea. 4BukPyung elementary school, Korea. 5The attached elementary school of Chuncheon National University of Education, Korea. 6DongCheon elementary school, Korea. 7MungJu elementary school, Korea.
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to suggest direction and strategy of safety education proper to elementary school children.
METHOD: The subject of this survey consisted of 313 3rd-5th grade from 4 elementary schools in Kyungi-Do and Kwangwon-Do. Data were collected from March to May, 2002 using a questionnaire about "safety education needs", "knowledge about injury prevention", "attitude about injury prevention.
RESULT: 1. The degree of safety education needs showed averaged 77.50 on the basis of 100 points. 2. The degree of knowledge and attitude about injury prevention showed averaged 72.81 and 81.74 seperately on the basis of 100 points. 3. With the respect to the demographic characteristics, there were stastically significant differences in safety education need according to children's grade(F=8.692, p=.003), sex(t=-2.059, p=.040), family type(t=-2.229, p=.027) and in knowledge & attitude about injury prevention, there statiscally significant difference according to experience of injury prevention education(t=3.058, p=.003; t=5.308, p=.000) each. 4. The level of safety education needs is correlated at signficant level with knowledge and attitude about injury prevention of childrens(r=.166, p=.048; r=.265, p=.001) and between knowledge and attitude about injury prevention, there was significant correlation (r=.427, p=.000).
CONCLUSION: From this results, nurses can plan safety education program appropriate to children's needs, level of knowledge and attitude about injury prevention.