Department of Nursing, Cheju Halla College, Korea.
The Purpose of this study was to identify factors that influence the self-esteem of the schooler of families in poverty. A descriptive, correlational, and cross-sectional study design was used. The data were collected from February to March, 2001. Convenient sampling was done from 194 subjects living in Jeju Do, but 167 subjects among these were used for the study analysis. Hierarchical Stepwise Regression was used to identify significant factors. The results of this study were as follows: In general, self-esteem status of the schooler in poor families was relatively poor. In stepwise regression analysis, self-esteem status was significantly influenced by emotional home environment, duration of poverty and frequency of parent-child tactics. These variables explained 26.8% of the variance of schooler's self-esteem. Conclusively, it is recommended that nursing intervention programs for schooler in poor family should be a focus to enhance the economic context as well as family effect.