Department of Nursing, Chung-ang University, Korea.
The purpose of this study was to examine to what extent teenagers accepted sexual relations, and to determine in which way that was affected by their disposition of stimuli, one of the psychological factors, and by their adjustment to school life, one of the environmental factors, as those factors seemed to have impact on that. This study was of descriptive correlational approach, and the subjects were 962 boy and girl students randomly selected from regular and business high schools. The data were collected from May through July 2002, and SPSS win 10.0 program was employed for data analysis. The major findings of this study were as follows; First, the students investigated got a mean of 44.49 marks on school adjustment. Their sensation seeking got an average of 130.10 marks. Their sexual allowance got a mean of 38.90 marks. Second is to regard the influence of their general characteristics on school adjustment, sensation seeking and sexual allowance. school adjustment was significant on gender, grade, career track, religion, school record, economic state, sexual intercourse. Sensation seeking was significant on all of their general characteristics. Sexual allowance was significant on all except economic state. Third, concerning correlation among sexual allowance, school adjustment and sensation seeking, sexual allowance was positively correlated to sensation seeking and negatively to school adjustment. The above-mentioned findings suggested that school adjustment and stimuli pursuit was associated with sexual attitude, and the findings of this study are expected to make any contribution to creating an ideal sexual culture for the youth.