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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2004;10(4):395-405.
Evaluation of Problem-Based Learning in an Undergraduate Nursing Course.
Hee Soon Kim, Il Sun Ko, Won Hee Lee, Seong Yeon Bae, Joung Ohn Shim
1Nursing College of Nursing, Yonsei University, Nursing Policy Research Institute, Korea. khssoon@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr
2Nursing, College of Nursing, Yonsei University
PURPOSE: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the application of the Problem-Based Learning(PBL) in nursing with regard to the learning process and learning outcomes. METHOD: PBL modules were provided to the students so that they could identify the nursing problems related to nutrition, regulation, and elimination, and implement appropriate nursing interventions according to the problems. PBL was also used to develop ability to use self-evaluation for nursing intervention outcomes. The modules were developed by the authors for the course, Nursing 1(3 credits) at Y university, and used during one semester, March to June 2003. Evaluation of the learning process and learning outcomes was done by self-report questionnaires and a semi-structured self-report developed by the authors. RESULT: The PBL evaluation included role of the facilitators, group work process, and self-directed learning attitude. The students evaluated the facilitator's role positively in fostering positive interactions and cooperative study among students and stimulating students to apply various problem-solving strategies. Students evaluated their own group work performances as a good opportunity to improve their group work participation, contribution, cooperation, and leadership through the PBL session. Their responsibility for their own learning and develop self-directed learning attitudes to connect present learning to long-term goals. CONCLUSION: Critical thinking, problem solving skills, self-directed learning and group work accomplishments in undergraduate student nurses were fostered and improved through the PBL program.
Key words: Problem-based learning
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