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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2004;10(4):468-478.
Unmarried Mothers using Social Welfare Facilities.
Shin Jeong Kim, Soon Ok Yang, Geum Hee Jeong
Department of Nursing Science, Hallym University, Korea. ghjeong@hallym.ac.kr
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for the development of education programs for unmarried mothers. METHOD: From a group of unmarried mothers using social welfare facilities, 201 participated in this study. The study was done from October 2003 to April 2004 and self-efficacy, self-esteem, sexual knowledge, sexual attitude were measured. RESULTS: 1. On the basis of 100 points, self-efficacy averaged 62.76, self-esteem, 60.96, sexual knowledge, 58.75 and sexual attitude, 71.52. 2. According to the general characteristics of the women, there were significant differences in self-efficacy according to age (F=4.237, p=.006), schooling (F=5.071, p=.007), job prior to pregnancy (F=4.341, p=.002), and family income (F=6.183, p=.002). There was a significant difference in self-esteem according to family income (F=4.243, p=.016). There were significant differences in sexual knowledge according to age (F=3.950, p=.009), schooling (F=14.869, p=.000), family income (F=9.304, p=.001), number of pregnancies (t=-2.532, p=.012), and experience of abortion (t=2.775, p=.006), and, in sexual attitude according to schooling (F=7.356, p=.001) and family income (F=7.647, p=.001). 3. There were significant relationships between self-efficacy and self-esteem (r=.598, p=.000), and between sexual knowledge and sexual attitude (r=.569, p=.000). CONCLUSION: Pregnancy prevention programs should include sexual education and interventions designed to increase self-efficacy and self-esteem.
Key words: Unmarried mothers
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