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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2005;11(3):356-364.
Pain Relieving Effect of Sucrose Coating Pacifier in Neonates.
Yoon Chung Chung, Kyoul Ja Cho
1NICU, Asan Medical Center, Korea.
2College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University, Korea. chokj@khu.ac.kr
PURPOSE: This study is to assess and compare the analgegic effects of 25% sucrose coating pacifier and pacifier. METHOD: The participants are 75 healthy infants of neonatal age 1-7 days and randomized to receive heel prick before 2 minutes to blood sampling and physiological test in Nursery of A Medical Center from 24, January to 28, February, 2003. The experimental group assigned to one of three treatment groups: no treatment, a pacifier, 25% sucrose coating pacifier. Collected data were analyzed with the SPSS 11.0 program using Chi square-test, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe, repeated mesured ANOVA. RESULTS: The pain score of 25% sucrose coating pacifier is lower than no treatment group and pacifier group. In heart rate, there were statistical significant differences between three groups. In repiratory rate, there were no statistical significant differences between three groups. In SaO2, there were statistical significant difference between three groups. CONCLUSION: The 25% sucrose coating pacifier showed pain relief effect in behavior responses and heart rate and SaO2. Accordingly, the sucrose coating pacifier should be applied nursing intervention for simple pain management as heel prick.
Key words: Pain; Sucrose; Pacifier
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