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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2006;12(3):359-367.
The Effect of Massage Therapy on Physical Growth of the Newborn and Identity as Mothers.
In Sook Park, Dal Sook Kim
Department of Nursing, Chungnam National University, 1-6, Moon Hwa-Dong, Deajeon 301-747, Korea. ispark@cnu.ac.kr

This study was to verify the effects of infant massage on weight recovery from physiologic weight loss, physical development of infants, and identity of their mothers. Method: A study with quasi-experimental design with time delay method was conducted from October 20, 2004 through February 20, 2005 with mothers and infants recruited from postpartum care center. 20 infants in the experimental group (once a day massage group) and 22 control group remained for the final analysis. Data were analyzed using SPSS win 11.0 program by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and x2-test. Results: There was no significant group difference in weight recovery from physiologic weight loss. However, experiment group showed significant increase in weight and chest circumference in 4 weeks after birth compare to the control group. For changes in behavior, experimental group showed more positive behavioral changes. The mothers who conducted massage for their infants showed higher score of identity as mothers.

Since massage applied once a day can be still effective on physical growth of the infants, massage training program for mothers should be developed to apply easily for their infants at home. Further study is suggested to identify influencing factors on performed by mothers and identity as mothers.
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