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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2007;13(1):21-32.
Development of a Tool to Measure Health Promotion Behavior for Infants & Toddlers.
Shin Jeong Kim, Kyung Ah Kang, Jin Yun, Oh Jin Kwon
1Department of Nursing, Hallym University, Korea. kims@hallym.ac.kr
2Department of Nursing, Sahmyook University, Korea.
3Department of Nursing, Sahmyook Graduate School, Korea.
4Department of Statistics, Hallym Graduate School, Korea.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop a tool to assess degree of health promotion behavior for infants & toddlers. METHOD: The research design was a methodological study. The tool was developed in 4 stages: first, preliminary items were developed based on a questionnaire that was given to 20 mothers of infants & toddlers second, a panel of specialists reduced the preliminary items using 3 validity tests; third, final items were selected from the results of a test with a sample of 262 families. RESULTS: The final tool to measure the health promotion behavior consisted of 35 items and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for internal consistency was .884. Using factor analysis, a 7 factor solution explained 45.6% of the total variance. CONCLUSION: This tool can be effectively utilized for child health care.
Key words: Health promotion; Behavior; Infants & toddlers
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