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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2007;13(2):212-221.
Adolescent Health Risk Behaviors in Jeju, South Korea.
Eunok Park, Sunhee Park, Seongchul Hong
1Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Jeju National University, Korea.
2College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University, Korea. spark@khu.ac.kr
3College of Medicine, Jeju National University, Korea.
BACKGROUND: Adolescent risk behaviors are of concern because they are dangerous in themselves and have negative influences on adult health. Objectives
This study explored six health risk behaviors of a sample representing the adolescent population in Jeju. METHODS: Frequency and percentage of risk behaviors were calculated. Additionally, the chi-square test was used to explore whether differences in experimentation with risk behaviors exist relative to gender and schooling levels. RESULTS: There were six major findings in this study: (a) a lower rate of lifetime and current cigarette use among female students compared to male students, (b) a substantial portion of heavy drinkers, (c) a higher rate of lifetime drug use among female students than among male students, (d) a higher prevalence of suicide ideation among female students than among male students, (e) substantial percentages of students who did not usually wear seatbelts, motorcycle helmets, or bicycle helmets, and (f) a substantial portion of students who were not involved in vigorous physical activities. CONCLUSIONS: Since a substantial portion of adolescents have been involved with diverse risk behaviors, it is urgent to implement effective intervention strategies to reduce the rates of these behaviors.
Key words: Adolescents; Health risk behaviors; South Korea
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