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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2008;14(3):221-231.
Toilet Training Status of Korean Toddlers and Their Mothers' Knowledge of Toilet Training.
Eun Sook Park, Chai Soon Ahn, Eun Kyung Kim, Kyung Suk Sung, Jung Wan Won, Won Oak Oh, Young Mi Yoon, Min Hyun Suk, Yeo Jin Im, Hun Ha Cho, Hye Sang Im
1College of Nursing, Korea University, Korea.
2Department of Nursing, Sunchon Cheongam College, Korea.
3Department of Nursing, Hyechon College, Korea.
4Department of Nursing, Kangnung National University, Korea.
5Department of Nursing, Dongguk University, Korea.
6Department of Nursing, Seoil College, Korea.
7Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Pochun CHA University, Korea.
8Oregon Health & Science University, Korea.
9Suwon Women's College, Korea. hhuna@hanmail.net
10University of Washington, USA.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the toilet training status (TTS) of Korean toddlers and their mothers' level of knowledge of toilet training (TT) and to identify the relationship between toddlers' TTS and mothers' level of knowledge of TT. METHOD: The participants in this study were 315 12-29 month old infants and their mothers recruited from outpatient clinics of hospitals and day care centers. T-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficients were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: TTS of Korean toddlers showed was more advanced compared with previous research samples except for independent hand washing after toileting and this improved with age. The mothers showed higher understanding of the importance of a positive experience and a different pace for each child in the appropriate period for toilet training but less appreciation of the readiness of child to initiate TT. There was a significant correlation between TTS and mothers' level of knowledge of TT. CONCLUSION: Using the above findings, health professionals who work with children and their families need to develop parent education programs on TT that will promote toddlers' physical and socio-emotional development.
Key words: Toilet training; Knowledge of toilet training; Parenting education
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