1Department of Statistics and Institute of Applied Statistics, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea. 2Department of Nursing, Honam University, Gwangju, Korea. hwa0607@naver.com
PURPOSE: This study was done to investigate the predictors of maternal confidence between primipara and multipara mothers.
METHODS: The participants enrolled in this study were 145 mothers between 2 and 5 days postpartum. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive analysis, t-test, chi2 test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression.
RESULTS: The predictors of maternal confidence among primipara mothers were social support, self-esteem, mode of delivery (R2=.287, p<.001). Whereas, gender of baby, antenatal fetal attachment, and educational status explained maternal confidence among multipara mothers (R2=.270, p<.001).
CONCLUSION: The results indicate that when nurses develop programs to encourage maternal confidence for new mothers, they should take into account the differences between predictors of maternal confidence according to the mothers' experience of birth.