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Child Health Nurs Res > Volume 18(3):2012 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2012;18(3):95-100.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4094/jkachn.2012.18.3.95
Home Visitation Screening for Child Abuse Assessment in Korea.
Hee Soon Kim, Tae Im Kim, Young Hee Ju, Ji Young Lim, Young Ok Ha, Ha Na Yoo
1The Nursing Policy Research Institute, Department of Family Health Care, College of Nursing, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Nursing, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University, Daejeon, Korea.
3Department of Nursing, Kimcheon Science College, Gimcheon, Korea.
4College of Nursing, CHA University, Seongnam, Korea.
5Department of Nursing, Kyungin Women's College, Incheon, Korea.
6Department of Nursing, Korean Bible University, Seoul, Korea. hanay@bible.ac.kr
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to facilitate home visits to assess the current rate of child abuse in order to provide an agenda for the early detection and prevention of child abuse and neglect in Korea. METHODS: For this retrospective descriptive research, 20 public health centers were selected, 1,991 families were visited and 2,680 children were assessed. RESULTS: We found 415 cases (15.5%) of potential abuse and 7 cases (0.3%) of actual abuse. The greatest risk group was to children age 4 to 6 years. According to the HOME Inventory, there were 17 infants (5.8%) presenting a potential risk for child abuse and neglect. CONCLUSION: Visitation screening is highly recommended for prevention in the high-risk preschool age group.
Key words: Child abuse; House calls; Nursing assessment; Early detection
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