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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 1997;3(2):203-218.
The Experience of Caring by Nursing Students in handicapped children.
Hyang Mi Jung
Caring is the essence and it is the central and unifying domain for the body of knowledge and practice in nursing. However a clear conceptualization of what caring in nursing does not yet exist. The purpose of this study is to research the phenomenon of caring by obtaining verbal description of the experience of caring in handicapped children, to provide basic information for developing theory of caring, and to teach the humanism centered education. The study design was a descriptive study using phenomenological method. The subjects for this study were 26 nursing students who cared for handicapped children in S rehabilitation center form August, 24 to October. 29 1994. Van kamm's phenomenological method was used for the analysis of the datas. The results are as follows : The experience of caring was classified with 15 common elements and 61 descriptive expressions form 120 raw data. The common elements were
Key words: Handicapped child
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