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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 1998;4(1):97-104.
A survey of the Types of Burns in Children and Mother's Preventive Attitudes to, and Knowledge of Burns.
Jung Suk Han, Dong Hee Kim
Burns is children result in the loss of precious life, or if the child survives, in much suffering from physical, emotional, social, and economic problems. These burn accidents to children happen in the bustle of family life and frequently without any warning. With this background information, this study was designed to identity types of burns in children and mother's attitudes towards, and knowledge of burn prevention, in order, to not only, in still a safety consciousness regarding the seriousness of burn accidents and the strengthening prevention, but also as basic data towards the development of an educational program aimed at prevention. From May 1 to May 25 in 1997, data were collected from the mothers of children attending five day care centers and kindergartens located in Seoul, which had been selected for the study. The tools used for the study, which were developed by the researchers, surveyed the type of burns suffered by children, mother's knowledge of burns and attitudes toward burn accidents. The data were analyzed through real numbers percentages and analysis was done using SPSS computer programs. The results of the study show that the most frequent type of burn accidents were those caused by hot water(55.4%) and these were frequently related to everyday habits that easily lead to danger. Further, the first aid treatment following a burn was weak. The majority of the mothers had not instructed their children on who to contact in the cape of a fire, first aid for burns, or how to take escape in the case of a fire. This left the children in a defenseless position in case of a fire. The mothers showed a lack knowledge, on what to do when a blaze is discovered, how to put out a fire, first aid for burns, escaping from a fire and appropriate water temperature, in that 50% of the time they answered incorrectly. From this study a prevention program, HIPP(Home Injury Prevention Program) could be developed that includes fire prevention habits and first aid for burns. This program can be used with kindergarten and elementary school children for group education fire prevention and can be used as a foundation for construction of a system of facilities and equipment to prevent fires and also prevent injury from fires.
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