This study was designed to identity the degree of burden felt by mothers of children with nephrotic syndrome. Also, relations between the subject characteristics and burden were investigated to provide basis data for their family health and nursing intervention. The study subjects were composed of 70 mothers of nephrotic syndrome patients whose children were hospitalized in 2 Pediatric wards of University Hospital in Seoul and 1 in Pusan from Mar. 2nd, 1998 to May. 30th in the same year. The questionnaires were used which dealt with burden of mothers. the questionnaires for this study designed and used by researcher placed their basis in burden Measurement Instrument developed by Montgomery et. al(1985) and the reliability of the used instrument was .78.
The data analysis was done by SPSS, t-test, ANOVA and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The results of were as follows.
1. Mean score of burden of subjects was 60.82(Maximum 86, standard deviation 1.244).
2. Of the mothers characteristics, the score of burden was high in case of no religion and low income.
3. Of the patients characteristics, the score of burden ranked as high in MCNS, doing oral therapy and injection therapy at the same time, and negative perceived patients' condition.
4. The degree of burden felt by mothers of children with nephrotic syndrome was significantly predicted by the level of pt's diagnosis(11%), pt's condition(8%), economic state(6%) and pt's sex(5%), respectively.
In conclusion to above study, the researcher suggests that the development of instrument for measurement of burden is in much need. Relations between burden and social support should be studied to lessen burden of mothers of children with nephrotic syndrome.