Disease prevention and health promotions are basically needed to be healthy, health education si the most useful mean to accomplish them, Preschool children are being developed, their health problem can effect their health status through their lives.
This study was attempted to survey for status of health education of kindergarten for preshoolers and to provide the basic precious data for nursing intervention.
The subjects were 51 kidergarten teachers. The data were collected by the questionnaires, which consists of 25 items concerning daily life habits of children and 1 item concerning the problems of health education for preschoolers. The data were analyzed by SAS program.
The results of this study are as followed ; 1. The most frequently educated subjects were 'adequate and safe play' and 'hand washing', 'walking and running straightly', 'oral hygiene or tooth brushing', 'walking staires'.
2. The most frequently used teaching method was the explaining.
3. The most frequently used instructional media was the pictures. The slide films and OHP was seldomly used media.
4. The most effective teaching method which perceived by the kindergarten teachers was role play. Discussion and compensation/reinforcement were comparatively effective method also.
5. The most effective instructional media which perceived by the kindergarten teachers was a real object/model.
6. The problems of health education for preschoolers were 'deficiency of developed health educational programs' and 'inconsistency between parents' education and kindergarten teachers' education', 'deficiency of instructional media'.
The other problems were ' the knowledge deficit of teachers themselves' and 'the difficulty of measure the effect of education', 'time deficit'.
Conclusionally, we have to realize the health of children is the future of our health, and reinforce the health education for preschoolers to accomplish the disease prevention and health promotion.