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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 1999;5(1):18-26.
An Exploratory Study on Late Schooler's Health Concept and Health Behavior.
Ji Won Lee
Department of Nursing, Pusan Catholic College, Korea.
The purpose of this study was to explore the late schooler's health concept and health behavior. The research was a descriptive method using a self-report questionnaire which include semi open-ended questions. the subjects were 4581ate schooler's from 4 to 6 grade. The results were as follows : 1. Perceived health concepts were 'having no illness' 'having normal physical feature and strength' 'eating food well' 'take exercise' 'having a bright mind' 'having good interpersonal relationships' 'having strong will' 'recovering well'. 2. Perceived health behaviors to maintain health were 'taking proper exercise' 'eating proper food' 'maintaining cleanliness' 'taking sufficient rest and sleep' 'having a vigor life and positive thought' 'having good interterpersonal relationships' 'receiving health check and immunization'. 3. Health behaviors carried out at present were 'taking proper exercise' 'eating proper food' 'having a vigor life and positive thought' 'receiving health check an immunization' 'taking supplementary drugs' 'having a regular life' 'maintaining cleanliness' 'maintaining warmth'. 4. Perceived causes of illness were 'taking inproper food' 'uncleanliness' 'insufficient warmth or environment' 'lack of exercise or overexertion' 'irregular life habits' 'contact with germs' 'mental stress'. 5. Perceived treatments of illness were 'having sufficient rest and sleep' 'mental relaxation' 'eating food' 'maintinging cleanliness' 'maintaining . warmth' 'taking supplementary drug' 'receiving medical treatment'.
Key words: Health concept; Health behavior; Cause of illness; Teatment of illness
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