241 |
Diapers and Infant Skin Health.
Ji Ho Song, Sang Tae Kim
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 1999;5(3):241-249.
250 |
Effetcs of a Sensory Stimulation on Weight Gain in Premature Infants.
Kun Ja Lee, Kyoul Ja Cho
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 1999;5(3):250-261.
262 |
A status of Assessment and Management about Children in Pain.
Min Hyun Suk, Young Mi Yoon, Won Oak Oh, Eun Sook Park
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 1999;5(3):262-280.
281 |
The Comparison of Sleep Characteristics According to the Sleep Positions in Healthy Newborns.
Ae Ran Lee, Hae Young Ahn, Jong Soon Lee
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 1999;5(3):281-291.
292 |
Study on the Adolescent's Attitude Patterns toward the Meaning of Aging and the Elderly: Q-Methodology.
In Sook Park, Keum Jae Lee
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 1999;5(3):292-304.
305 |
Meaning of Sexuality in Middle School Students.
Geum Hee Jeong, Shin Jeong Kim, Soon Ok Yang
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 1999;5(3):305-317.
318 |
A Study of the Effectiveness of Token Economy on Children's Behaviors for Oral Medication.
Ja Hyung Lee, Il Ok Kim
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 1999;5(3):318-328.
329 |
Evaluation of Child Health Information Articles in Newspapers.
Shin Jeong Kim, Jeong Eun Lee, Hwan Seok Choi
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 1999;5(3):329-339.
340 |
A Comparative Study between the Application Group and Non-application Group of a Sand Bag on the Surgical Region after a Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization.
Jin Kyung Han, Kyoul Ja Cho
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 1999;5(3):340-348.
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A Study on Childhood Injury.
Hee Soon Kim, Kyu Sook Kang, Ean Sook Lee
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 1999;5(3):349-357.
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Parent-child Relationship, Perceived Social Support and Coping in Late Adolescents.
Eun Young Lee, Young Ran Tak
Korean J Child Health Nurs. 1999;5(3):358-368.