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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2006;12(2):189-195.
Effects of a Maternal Self-Efficacy Promotion Program on Maternal Confidence and Mother-Infant Interaction.
Hee Soon Kim, Kasil Oh, Il Young Yoo, Dong Hee Kim, Sun Mi Chae, Ju Hye Jin, Carole Kenner, Mi Ja Kim
1College of Nursing, Yonsei University, Korea. khssoon@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr
2College of Nursing, National Medical Center, Korea.
3School of Nursing, University of North Dakota, USA.
4School of Nursing, University of California at San Francisco, USA.
5College of Nursing, University of Oklahoma, USA.
6College of Nursing, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect on maternal confidence and mother-infant interaction of a maternal self-efficacy promotion program for Korean primiparas. METHOD: This study was non-equivalent quasi-experimental research with a control group selected by purposive sampling. Based on Bandura's (1986) self-efficacy theory, the research team developed the maternal self-efficacy promotion program. The program included achievement experiences, verbal persuasion, and vicarious experiences. The program was provided through face-to-face teaching at the time of discharge, counseling sessions over the telephone, and a home visit. The mothers also learned about parenting skills using a videotape developed by the research team. Sixteen primiparas were recruited to the experimental group at one hospital in Kyongi province, and fifteen primiparas who were matched according to socioeconomic status were recruited to the control group at a postpartum care center in the same province. RESULTS: Mothers in the experimental group demonstrated significantly higher maternal confidence and mother-infant interaction than those in the control group. CONCLUSION: A maternal self-efficacy promotion program appears to be an effective nursing intervention for parenting of first-time mothers in Korea.
Key words: Parenting; Self-efficacy; Maternal confidence; Mother-infant interaction
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