Journal statistics, directions for development, and appreciation for reviewers
Article information
In 2021, Child Health Nursing Research (CHNR) passed the scientific quality review and technical evaluation review to be listed in PubMed Central (PMC). CHNR is now included in the PMC catalog (, and articles from 2019 onwards can be searchable in PMC. It is a great pleasure to announce that CHNR is the first nursing journal in South Korea to be listed in PMC.
CHNR endeavors to edit and publish articles that meet international standards, and the journal complies with the principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing [1]. The CHNR website clearly describes that the journal's aims are to promote the health of infants, children, adolescents, and their families in Korea and all over the world by providing research on evidence-based practices and that its scope includes the most recent clinically and academically relevant topics in health care and nursing for infant, children, adolescents, and their families. In addition, the CHNR website states that the journal's primary readers are health care professionals and administrators serving infants, children, adolescents, and families, working to promote child care and welfare. The website also describes matters to be considered when submitting articles for publication ( CHNR receives and reviews articles via a peer review system ( More details on the submission process can be found at the CHNR website (
CHNR makes an effect to comply with research ethics and follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines [2] for publication ethics. If any issues related to publication ethics arise, CHNR follows the guidelines of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) [3]. Through its efforts to edit and publish articles at the international level, CHNR was listed in PMC and try to be listed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). All articles published in CHNR are indexed in DOI/Crossref, Scopus, PMC, CINAHL, Google Scholar, ORCID, Science Central, DOAJ, KCI Korean Journal Database, RISS, KoreaMed, and KoMCI.
CHNR published 37 articles in volume 27 (4 issues), all of which were written in English (Table 1). The number of English articles has steadily increased from 9 articles in volume 24 issue 3 in 2018 to 20 articles in volume 25 issues 1 and 3 in 2019 and 29 articles in volume 26 issues 1, 3, and 4 in 2020. Since volume 27 issue 3 in 2020, all articles in CHNR have been published in English only. The change of CHNR to an all-English journal has been accompanied by increasing international submissions [4-7]. In 2021, the average number of authors per article was 3.2 (SD 1.6, range 1-6), and 81% of authors were from South Korea, while 19% of authors were from other countries in Asia, North America, Europe, and Africa. This is similar to the pattern of 2020, when the average number of authors per article was 2.8 and 83% of authors were from South Korea [8]. Since all authors were from South Korea in 2016-2018 [9], it is clear that international submissions are steadily increasing. In addition, the proportion of articles that were supported by grants increased from 45.7% in 2020 [8] to 59.5% in 2021, and about 60% of them were supported by governmental institutions.
In the studies published in CHNR in 2021, parents were the most frequent study subjects (30.4%), followed by adolescents (19.7%), and about half of studies dealt with children from newborns to adolescents (Table 2). Survey studies were the most common research method (29.8%), but the proportion of these studies decreased compared to 44.7% in 2014 [10], 48.8% in 2016-2018 [9], and 50% in 2020 [8]. Meanwhile, the proportion of literature reviews and secondary analyses increased to 29.7% (literature reviews, 8.1%; secondary analyses, 21.6%) in 2021 compared to 13.2% in 2014 [10], 8.9% in 2016-2018 [9], and 23.9% in 2020 [8]. In addition, various research methods (such as tool development, program development and intervention, and qualitative research) were used in the studies published in CHNR.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused difficulties and changes in nursing education, and it is expected that the nursing education environment will be different in the post-COVID-19 era [11]. I deeply appreciate all the efforts made by reviewers and editors to review and publish CHNR despite these difficulties. With their dedication and efforts, the quality of CHNR continues to improve. Below are their names and affiliations
Ahn, Hye Young (Eulji University, Republic of Korea)
Ahn, Young Mee (Inha University, Republic of Korea)
An, Hyeran (Daegu Catholic University, Republic of Korea)
Bang, Kyung-Sook (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
Chae, Sun-Mi (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
Cho, Haeryun (Wonkwang University, Republic of Korea)
Cho, Hun-Ha (Kosin University, Republic of Korea)
Cho, In-Sook (Kwangju Women's University, Republic of Korea)
Choi, Eun Kyoung (Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
Choi, Hye Sun (Woosuk University, Republic of Korea)
Choi, Jihea (Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Republic of Korea)
Choi, Mi-Young (Chungbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Gautam, Nirmal (Karnali College of Health Science, Nepal)
Hong, Sungsil (Kangwon National University, Republic of Korea)
Huh, Sun (Hallym University, Republic of Korea)
Hwang, Kyung-Hye (Suwon Science College, Republic of Korea)
Im, Yeo-Jin (Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea)
Jang, Gun-Ja (Daegu University, Republic of Korea)
Jeon, Hwayeon (Dongnam Health College, Republic of Korea)
Ji, Eun Sun (Konkuk University Glocal Campus, Republic of Korea)
Ju, Hyeon-Ok (Dong-A University, Republic of Korea)
Jung, Hyang-Mi (Dongeui University, Republic of Korea)
Jung, So Young (Ansan University, Republic of Korea)
Jung, Sunyoung (Daegu Catholic University, Republic of Korea)
Kaneko, Noriyo (Nagoya City University, Japan)
Kang, HyunJu (Kangwon National University, Republic of Korea)
Kang, Kyung-Ah (Sahmyook University, Republic of Korea)
Kang, So Ra (Sungshin Women's University, Republic of Korea)
Kim, Dong-Hee (Sungshin Women's University, Republic of Korea)
Kim, Eun-Joo (Gangreung-Wonju National University, Republic of Korea)
Kim, Gaeun (Keimyung University, Republic of Korea)
Kim, Hyun-Ok (Chonebuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Kim, Jeongmi (Kaya University, Republic of Korea)
Kim, Ji-Soo (Gachon University, Republic of Korea)
Kim, Jin Sun (Chosun University, Republic of Korea)
Kim, Shin-Jeong (Hallym University, Republic of Korea)
Kim, Sunghee (Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea)
Kim, Tae-Im (Daejeon University, Republic of Korea)
Kim, Yunsoo (Catholic Kwandong University, Republic of Korea)
Lee, Eun Jee (Jeonbuk National University, Republic of Korea)
Lee, Eun Kyung (Daegu Catholic University, Republic of Korea)
Lee, Haein (Daegu Catholic University, Republic of Korea)
Lee, Insook (Hannam University, Republic of Korea)
Lee, Jaeyoung (Kyungsung University, Repblic of Korea)
Lee, Ji-Won (Catholic University of Pusan, Republic of Korea)
Lee, Sangmi (Dongyang University, Republic of Korea)
Lee, Soo-Yeon (Koje College, Republic of Korea)
Lee, Yu-nah (Chodang University, Republic of Korea)
Nam, Hyeon-Ah (Howon University, Republic of Korea)
Oh, Jina (Inje University, Republic of Korea)
Oh, Won-Oak (Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Park, Jiyoung (Inje University, Republic of Korea)
Park, Sun-Nam (Seoul Women's College of Nursing, Republic of Korea)
Park, Sunghee (Kunsan National University, Republic of Korea)
Ra, Jin Suk (Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea)
Shim, Kaka (Sangmyung University, Republic of Korea)
Shin, Hyewon (Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea)
Sohn, Hyun-Mi (Pusan National University, Republic of Korea)
Sohn, Min (Inha University, Republic of Korea)
Tak, Young Ran (Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)
In particular, I would like to express my gratitude and congratulations to the best reviewers in 2021, Professor So Young Jung (Asan University, Republic of Korea) and Professor Sangmi Lee (Dongyang University, Republic of Korea).
Authors' contribution
All the work was done by Hyun Young Koo.
Conflict of interest
Hyun Young Koo has been the editor-in-chief of Child Health Nursing Research from January 2018 to December 2021, but had no role in the decision to publish this manuscript. Otherwise, no existing or potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Data availability
Please contact the corresponding author for data availability.