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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2001;7(2):161-178.
A Survey of the Nursing Interventions Performed by Neonatal Nursing Unit Nurses Using the NIC.
Won Oak Oh, Min Hyun Suk, Young Mi Yoon
1Department of Nursing, Dongguk University, Korea.
2Department of Nursing, Pochon Cha College of Medicine, Korea.
3Department of Nursing, Seoil College, Korea.
The purpose of this study was to identify nursing interventions performed by neonatal nursing unit nurses. For data collection this study used the taxonomy of Nursing Intervention Classification(NIC : 486 nursing intervention) which was modified by McCloskey & Bulecheck(2000). The new 58 nursing interventions was translated into Korean, and then modified by pannel group, which consist of clinical experts and nursing scholars and finally the 419 nursing interventions was selected. The data were collected from 112 nurses. 168 nursing interventions were performed at least monthly by 50% or more of the nurses. The high frequency of performed nursing interventions were Family domain. 37 nursing interventions were performed at least once a day. The nursing interventions receiving the highest item mean score were neonatal care, neonatal monitoring, phototherapy; neonate, bottle feeding and temperature regulation. 56 nursing interventions were rarely performed by 90% or more of the nurses. Most of them were in the behavioral domain. The rarely used interventions were urinary bladder training, art therapy, religious addiction prevention, religious ritual enhancement and bladder irrigation. Therefore, neonatal nursing units nurses used interventions in the Physiological: basic domain most often on a daily basis and the interventions in the behavioral domain least often. These findings will help in building of a standardized language for the neonatal nursing units and enhance the quality of nursing care. Further study will be needed to classify each intervention class and nursing activity and validate NIC in pediatric care unit.
Key words: Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC); Neonate Nursing Unit
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