1Department of Nursing Science, Hallym University, Korea. ghjeong@hallym.ac.kr 2College of Nursing Science, Ewha Womans' University, Korea.
We would like to suggest the guideline of use of materials of sexual education for adolescent in school by examining the status of use of materials and by evaluating the video materials frequently used. Survey was done by enquetes on status of use of materials of sexual education from school nurses in 190 primary, 44 middle and 50 high schools in Seoul, Kyonggi-do and Kangwon-do from August 1999 to February 2000. The frequently used 84 videotapes were evaluated on their contents. As for the status of use, 99.3% of subjected schools possessed the materials for sexual education. Decision of purchase was determined according to the review of contents (92.6%). Information about materials was received by the advertisement in newspapers or broadcasting (46.1%) or recommendation of peer teacher (32.4%). Videotape was most frequently used (64.1%) rather than books or CD. Teachers concerns on the materials were the educational content according to developmental stage of students (41.9%), content provoking interest (33.5%) and concrete guide for teacher (10.6%). As for the evaluation of the contents of videotapes, a subject of education was not described out of 46.6%. Videotape producer were mostly the Government-affiliated institutes or non-profit organizations (86.8%). The year of production was indicated from 41.7%.
Running time range of 21-30 minutes was highest (55.9%). The price was marked in only one videotape. Subjects of contents were general sexual education (34.5%), sexual violence or sexual harassment (21.4%), pregnancy and contraception (14.2%) and AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (8.3%) and dating and adolescent change (4. 8%), and etc (11.9 %).
According to above results, we suggested that materials for sexual education should be completed with a description on the subjected group, summary of content, information on the tape producer, year of production, running time and sale price.