1College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University, Korea. chokj@khu.ac.kr 2Department of Pediatrics, Kyung Hee University Medical Center, Korea.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to investigate correlations in vital sign changes, the severity of pain, signs of complications, and the duration of sandbag management in order to suggest a standardized practice related to sandbag management in children with Nephrotic Syndrome(NS).
METHOD: From October 2000 to May 2001, seventy children with NS who underwent kidney biopsy were interviewed at one hospital in Seoul Korea, and participated in this study.
RESULT: 1) The average sandbag applying time after kidney biopsy was 18.1 hours. 2) Systolic blood pressure and respiration increased until 15 minutes after kidney biopsy, after then, they decreased significantly (systolic BP, p= .006; respiration, p= .029). However, no significant changes were noted in diastolic blood pressure and pulse. 3) Pain was reported minimal for 1 hour after kidney biopsy. The severity of pain increased until 12 hours after the procedure, then, decreased significantly(p= .0001). 4) Reported complications were hematuria (74.7%) and abnormal sonogram (32.9%). No apparent bleeding on the biopsy region was reported in any children.
CONCLUSION: From these findings, it is possible to change the protocols of the duration of absolute bed rest time and sandbag application management shortly after kidney biopsy.
But it is needed to study the fit protocols for kidney biopsy. Several implications in nursing practice are suggested. 1) Replicated studies for more participants are needed. 2) Further research on the effect of sandbag application after kidney biopsy is required. 3) The best duration of sandbag application management after kidney biopsy need to be investigated.