1Seoul National University, Korea. hankj@snu.ac.kr 2Dong Hae University, Korea. 3Kyung Bok College, Korea. 4Kyung In Women's College, Korea.
The main purpose of this study is to examine the concepts appeared on research and provide future research directions in field of child health nursing. 205 studies of the total 318 studies had been analyzed first for the concepts of the client domain and this time 113 studies were analyzed for the practice, the client-nurse and the environmental domain in nursing. The practice domain includes mentalistitic, enactment, knowledge utilization, role related phenomenon, the client-nurse domain includes touch, communication, interaction phenomenon, and the environmental domain includes physical, social, symbolic environment. All were originally published between 1990 and 2000 in Korea. An analysis of concepts for this study was used the metaparadigm framework for nursing proposed by H. S.
Kim(2000). 1. 103 studies belonged to the practice domain.
Among them, 56(54%) studies used concepts related to enactment phenomenon like education(21.4%), giving information(7.1%), breast feeding(5.4%), caring(5.4%), airway suction(5.4%), nonnutritive sucking(5.4%). 44(43%) studies used concepts related to knowledge utilization like program development and evaluation of smoking, mother-infant interaction, home health nursing, obesity management. And only 3(3%) studies used role related concepts like quality of nursing, direction of health education, contents of child health nursing education. 2. Only 2(0.006%) studies belonged to the client-nurse domain. One concept is empathy in communication phenomenon and the other concept is role conflict in interaction phenomenon. 3. 8(0.02%) studies belonged to the environmental domain. Among them, 3 studies related to physical environment like space, noise and 5 studies related to social environment like social support, home environment. But the concept of symbolic environment was not used. The findings of this study provide the evidence that research related to the client-nurse domain and the environmental domain should be conducted actively to improve the practice of child health nursing. So that the research in field of child health nursing should be dealt with the concepts of four domains to develop knowledge systematically.