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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2004;10(2):205-216.
Factors Influencing Alcohol Consuming behavior of the Female University Students.
Hee Kyung Kim, Eun Sook Choi, Jung Sun Ann
1Department of Nursing, Kongju National University, Korea. hkkim@kongju.ac.kr
2Department of Emergency Medical Service, Kongju National University, Korea.
PURPOSE: The purpose was to investigate the factors influencing alcohol consuming behavior of the female university students to provide the basic data for a nursing intervention program to improve health and prohibit of alcohol consuming behavior. METHOD: The subjects were 134 female university students, studying at K university and K educational university in Chungnam province from April 1 to 20, 2002. The instruments were the alcohol consuming behavior scale, that is drinking intensity score, and alcohol problem developed by Shin(1998), refusal self-efficacy scale by Aas et. al.(1995), alcohol expectancy by Goldman at. al.(1989), TPQ scale by Cloninger(1991), depression scale modified by Shin(1977) using Zung(1965)' tool, family cohesion scale by Olson at. al.(1983). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, canonical correlation and stepwise multiple regression. RESULT: The most powerful predictor of alcohol consuming behavior was influence of friends-drinking(21.0%). A combination of economic status(8.0%), and personality of novelty seeking(3.0%), accounted for 32.0% of the variance in alcohol consuming behavior. CONCLUSION: I recommended that economic status, influence of friends drinking frequently, and personality of novelty seeking were contained of the developing nursing intervention program for decreasing the alcohol consuming behavior in female university students.
Key words: Alcohol consuming behavior; Influence of friends; Personality; Female university students
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