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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2004;10(3):282-290.
Computer Game Addiction and it's Predictors of Korean Elementary School Children.
Won Oak Oh
Department of Nursing, Dongguk University, Korea. ohwo@dongguk.ac.kr
PURPOSE: The measure the degree of computer game addiction; to examine the relationship between computer game addiction and contributing factors; and to discover the predictors of computer game addiction of elementary school children of Korea. METHOD: Data were assembled from questionnaires distributed among 455 children from four elementary schools in Gyung-buk Province. RESULTS: The level of computer game addiction of subjects was rather low, and correlated significantly with gender, academic performance, family economic status, playmates for leisure time, place of playing computer game, length of the habit of playing game, average playing time of game per day, frequency of PC-room(Internet Cafe for game) visits per week, game partners and reasons for playing game. Multiple regression analysis showed that 45% of the computer game addiction was significantly related to gender(21%), impulsiveness(10%), average playing time of game per day(9%), depression(2%) and other variables(3%) such as playmates for leisure time, academic performance and frequency of PC-room visits per week. CONCLUSION: We suggest these results be used to develop a computer game addiction prevention program.
Key words: Computer game addiction; Elementary school children
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