College of Nursing, The Catholic University, Korea.
PURPOSE: To provide basic information for developing a nursing program by examining health risk behavior of students rewriting college entrance examinations.
METHOD: Data were gathered using questionnaires from 804 examinees in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province and analyzed with the SAS program using t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe's test, and Pearson correlation coefficients.
RESULTS: The mean score for health risk behaviors was 17.70 and the highest score for sub-areas of health risk behavior was drinking alcohol while substance use ranked lowest.
There were significantly different scores for health risk behavior according to the following general characteristics; frequency of rewriting college entrance examinations, parents' marital status, level of father's education, grades, satisfaction with rewriting of college entrance examinations, parents' health concerns, need for health education and health status. Each behavior had positive or negative correlation with more than one other behavior. A negative correlation was found between health risk behavior and family support and self-esteem, while positive correlations were found between health risk behavior and general stress, studying stress and anxiety.
CONCLUSION: This study suggest that these results be used to developed a prevention program to decrease health risk behaviors by promoting family support and self esteem and decreasing stress and anxiety.