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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2005;11(2):189-195.
Attachment-Oriented Caretaking Behaviors and Related Factors in Mothers of Breast-feeding Infants.
Hwa Ja Lee, Young Hae Kim, Young Ran Cho
1Department of Nursing, Pusan National University, Korea.
2Department of Nursing Research Institute of Nursing Science, Pusan National University, Korea. youngrancho@yahoo.co.kr
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics and the related factors of attachment-oriented caretaking behavior in mothers who are breast-feeding their infants. METHOD: The subjects were 155 mothers who participated in a healthy breast-feeding contest in the Busan area. The data were collected from September 24, 2003, and were analyzed using SPSS WIN 10.0. RESULTS: The mothers were highly affirmative in their attachment-oriented caretaking behaviors (total mean 2.59+/-.502 of a possible score of 3). Among the attachment-oriented caretaking behaviors (10 items), the scores for 6 items were higher than the average score and 4 items were lower than the average score. There were significant differences in the attachment-oriented caretaking behaviors according to level of education (p<0.05), and planned duration of breast-feeding (p<0.001). Mothers with university education who planned to breast-feed as long as the baby wanted had higher scores. CONCLUSIONS: The above results suggest that nursing interventions which are individualized and practical are needed to encourage the attachment-oriented caretaking behaviors essential to breast-feeding mothers.
Key words: Breastfeeding; Attachment; Caretaking behaviors
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