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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2006;12(1):114-121.
A Study of Humor as a Nursing Intervention for Hospitalized Children.
In Ok Sim, Kyung Ja Han
1Red Cross College of Nursing. simio@hanmail.net
2Seoul National University.
PURPOSE: Humor is an important part of life. Humor has many benefits as an intervention for hospitalized children. Humor is one strategy that pediatric nurses can use to help children cope with illness and hospitalizations. The purposes of the study were to 1) review the definition of humor, 2) identify methods and skills in using humor as an intervention, 3) identify the effects of humor as an intervention, and 4) suggest further research. METHOD: The design was a descriptive study with literature review. Previous studies were identified by searches of MEDLINE, CHNIAL, PUBMED and ProQuest. RESULTS: Humor has positive physiological, psychological, social and communicative effects on patients and humor has a positive effect on the immune system. CONCLUSION: The main point identified from this study suggests that humor as a nursing intervention be developed for nurses to use with children who are hospitalized. Further research is needed to develop programs for humor as an intervention for health promotion and disease prevention in children.
Key words: Humor intervention; Hospitalized children
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